Handling Meta

before you can attach meta to an Eloquent model, you must first add the Metable trait to your Eloquent model.


namespace App;

use Plank\Metable\Metable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Page extends Model
    use Metable;

    // ...


The Metable trait adds a meta() relationship to the model. However, it also keeps meta keys indexed separately to speed up reads. As such, it is recommended to not modify this relationship directly and to instead only use the methods described in this document.

Attaching Meta

Attach meta to a model with the setMeta() method. The method accepts two arguments: a string to use as a key and a value. The value argument will accept a number of different inputs, which will be converted to a string for storage in the database. See the list of a supported Data Types.

$model->setMeta('key', 'value');

To set multiple meta key and value pairs at once, you can pass an associative array or collection to setManyMeta(). The meta will be added to the model.

    'name' => 'John Doe',
    'age' => 18,

To replace existing meta with a new set of meta, you can pass an associative array or collection to syncMeta(). All existing meta will be removed before the new meta is attached.

    'name' => 'John Doe',
    'age' => 18,

Encrypting Meta

If storing sensitive data, you can instruct the package to encrypt a meta value when it is stored in the database. Encrypted values are automatically decrypted when retrieved. To encrypt a value, use the setMetaEncrypted() method or pass true as the third argument to the setMeta() method.

$model->setMetaEncrypted('secret', 'sensitive data');
$model->setMeta('secret', 'sensitive data', true);

Data of any type can be encrypted. Encrypted values are never searchable or sortable with query scopes.

Retrieving Meta

You can retrieve the value of the meta at a given key with the getMeta() method. The value should be returned in the same format that it was stored. For example, if an array is set, you will receive an array back when retrieving it.


$model->setMeta('age', 18);
$model->setMeta('approved', true);
$model->setMeta('accessed_at', Carbon::now());

//reload the model from the database
$model = $model->fresh();

$age = $model->getMeta('age'); //returns an integer
$approved = $model->getMeta('approved'); //returns a boolean
$accessDate = $model->getMeta('accessed_at'); //returns a Carbon instance


Once loaded, all meta attached to a model instance are cached in the model’s meta relationship. As such, successive calls to getMeta() will not hit the database repeatedly.

Similarly, the unserialized value of each meta is cached once accessed. This is particularly relevant for attached Eloquent Models and similar database-dependant objects.

Setting a new value for a key automatically updates all caches.

Default Values

You may pass a second parameter to the getMeta() method in order to specify a default value to return if no meta has been set at that key.

$model->getMeta('status', 'draft'); // will return 'draft' if not set

Alternatively, you may set default values as key-value pairs on the model itself, instead of specifying them at each individual call site. If a default has been defined from this property and a value is also passed as to the default parameter, the parameter will take precedence.

class ExampleMetable extends Model {
    use Metable;

    protected $defaultMetaValues = [
        'color' => '#000000'

$model->getMeta('color'); // will return '#000000' if not set
$model->getMeta('color', null); // will return null if not set
$model->getMeta('color', '#ffffff'); // will return '#ffffff' if not set


If a falsey value (e.g. 0, false, null, '') has been manually set for the key, that value will be returned instead of the default value. The default value will only be returned if no meta exists at the key.

Casting Meta

You can enforce that any meta attached to a particular key is always of a particular data type by specifying casts on the Metable model. Casts can be defined by specifying a $metaCasts attribute, or by adding a metaCasts(): array methods to the model.

class ExampleMetable extends Model {
    use Metable;

    protected $metaCasts = [
        'optin' => 'boolean',
        'age' => 'integer',
        'secret' => 'encrypted:string',
        'parent' => ExampleMetable::class,
        'children' => 'collection:\App\ExampleMetable',

    // equivalent to:
    protected function metaCasts(): array
        return [
            'optin' => 'boolean',
            'age' => 'integer',
            'secret' => 'encrypted:string',
            'parent' => ExampleMetable::class,
            'children' => 'collection:\App\ExampleMetable',


All `cast types supported by Eloquent<https://laravel.com/docs/11.x/eloquent-mutators#attribute-casting>`_ are supported, with the following modifications:

  • Casts are applied on write, not read. This means that the value will be serialized and stored in the database in the specified format, and indexes will be populated in a consistent manner. However, old data prior to the addition of the cast will not be automatically converted.

  • All casts ignore values of null. If a value is set to null, it will be stored as null in the database, and will not be cast to the specified type.

  • The encrypted cast will tell the package to always encrypt the value of that key, even if the 3rd parameter of setMeta() is not set to true.

  • The encrypted: cast prefix can be combined with any other cast type to convert the value to the specified type before encrypting it.

  • when a class name is provided as a cast, if it implements \Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent\Castable, it will be used to cast the value per the interface. Otherwise, it will enforce that the value is an instance of that class. If an instance of a different class is provided, an exception will be thrown. If the class is an Eloquent model, and an an integer or string is provided, it will attempt to retrieve the model from the database.

  • The collection cast will preserve Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection instances and contents, using the Plank\Metable\DataType\ModelCollection data type to store them. If passed a single model instance, it will be wrapped in an eloquent collection. A class name can be provided as an argument to enforce that the collection contains only instances of that class.

Retrieving All Meta

To retrieve a collection of all meta attached to a model, expressed as key and value pairs, use getAllMeta().

$meta = $model->getAllMeta();

Checking For Presence of Meta

You can check if a value has been assigned to a given key with the hasMeta() method.

if ($model->hasMeta('background-color')) {
    // ...


This method will return true even if a falsey value (e.g. 0, false, null, '') has been manually set for the key.

Deleting Meta

To remove the meta stored at a given key, use removeMeta().


To remove multiple meta at once, you can pass an array of keys to removeManyMeta().


To remove all meta from a model, use purgeMeta().


Attached meta is automatically purged from the database when a Metable model is manually deleted. Meta will not be cascaded if the model is deleted by the query builder.

$model->delete(); // will delete attached meta
MyModel::where(...)->delete() // will NOT delete attached meta

Eager Loading Meta

When working with collections of Metable models, be sure to eager load the meta relation for all instances together to avoid repeated database queries (i.e. N+1 problem).

Eager load from the query builder:

$models = MyModel::with('meta')->where(...)->get();

Lazy eager load from an Eloquent collection:


You can also instruct your model class to always eager load the meta relationship by adding 'meta' to your model’s $with property.


class MyModel extends Model {
    use Metable;

    protected $with = ['meta'];

Meta As Attributes

If you prefer to access meta as if they were attributes of the model, you can use the MetableAttributes trait insin addition to the Metable trait. This will allow you to access meta as if they were attributes of the model by prefixing them with meta_. Meta attributes can be combined with type annotations, casts and/or default values to provide consistent typing. This can be useful for IDE completions and static analysis, as well as for use in Blade templates.


namespace App;

use Plank\Metable\Metable;
use Plank\Metable\MetableAttributes;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

    * @property bool $meta_approved
    * @property \Carbon\Carbon $meta_published_at
    * @property int $meta_likes
class Page extends Model
    use Metable, MetableAttributes;

    $metaCasts = [
        'approved' => 'boolean',
        'published_at' => 'datetime',
        'likes' => 'integer',

    $defaultMetaValues = [
        'approved' => false,
        'published_at' => null,
        'likes' => 0,

    // ...

$page = new Page();
$page->meta_likes = 5; // equivalent to $page->setMeta('likes', 5);
$page->fill(['meta_approved' => true, 'meta_published_at' => now()]); // equivalent to $page->setManyMeta([...]);
if ($page->meta_likes > 0) {} // equivalent $page->getMeta('likes');
unset($page->meta_likes); // equivalent to $page->removeMeta('likes');

Most attribute operations will translate meta attributes to their corresponding meta operations. However, the getAttributes() method will not include meta attributes. The getMetaAttributes() method can be used to retrieve all meta values keyed by their attribute name.

The toArray() method will include meta attributes by default. The $visible/$hidden properties of the model will be respected if any meta attributes are listed. The makeMetaHidden() method can be used to quickly hide all currently assigned meta attributes from the array representation of the model.